Our Patented High Sensitivity Immunoassay Imaging Technology
Integration of Aeirtec's unique assay biochemistry technology and patented standard curve analysis equations enable Aeirtec to accurately extend sample marker measurement into the femtogram/ml region while maintaining linearity on sample dilution.
A unique method of calibration curve generation and curve fitting, derived from advances in understanding antibody-analyte interaction, that enables calibration curve analysis at very low analyte concentrations, providing optimised interpolation for sample mediator quantification.
Why assay sensitivity is so important in demonstration of efficacy and mechanism
Many initiating mediators of cascade responses , such as immune/inflammatory response initiating markers (eg. TNF, IFN, IL-1, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6) are primary candidates for inclusion in study assay panels, because of their hierarchy dominant actions.
However, these initiating markers typically exist at low abundance levels and below the level of quantification of many standard immunoassays.
Aeirtec avoids the loss of subject data, typical of standard assay sensitivity, by applying their integration of patented and proprietary biochemical assay techniques.
By increasing assay sensitivity Aeirtec increases the capacity for capturing low abundance critical markers by at least an order of magnitude.
Our Clinical Experience
Project Pipeline
Data Interpretation and Biostatistics
Why assay sensitivity is so important in demonstration of efficacy and mechanism of action?